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Why partner with Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc.

What separates Trinet ™ from the competition?

Trinet ™, who takes a different approach to agency affiliate partnerships offers many options for growing your agency's online offerings. By becoming a member of our program, we will be able to provide your agency with next-generational services that are targeted to offer your clients custom development, hybrid technology, and much more. You won't be able to find this kind of flexibility anywhere else. All of these features, combined with a great offer, make our affiliate program one of the best in the industry.


Our program offers your agency immediate benefits. Membership includes value enhanced web services that your agency can "white label" to your clients. In addition to maintaining a 25% minimum profit margin, your agency gains the power and experience of a full featured web development firm.

Web 2.0 Sales Training

We have a vested interest in your success, as we only make money when our agencies make money. As a program member, you can be assured that our experience in developing web opportunities will be taught and shared with your team. Provided through in-person training and well as monthly sales collateral that help your team stay up on the latest web trends and ways to position them. The more your team promotes, the more they will sell, and the more we both will make.

Client Deal Review

As a program member, Trinet offers real time deal review for each of your prospecting opportunities. To ensure your team has maximized client options and taken full advantage of every opportunity they discover, our Trinet experienced staff will participate in your team's internal brainstorming sessions, and with unique opportunities external presentations as well. This means every client is a true sale prospect with a robust proposal.

Agency Extranet

Membership in our agency program comes with the benefit of our extranet technology. This dashboard, web based functionality allows your agency to gain real time access to:

  • Your project status, updates, and progress
  • Presentation technology for your client proposals
  • Collaboration tools such as forums, blogs, and unified messaging

Our program provides services that yield a profit margin, web 2.0 sales training for your team, internal brainstorming involvement, and a robust extranet with embedded technology to aid your presales process. Our value based package is offered at a monthly investment of $450. We will send you a monthly statement, including a summary of your opportunities and an updated services to offer.

Get started today!


Trinet Specializes in Assisting Businesses with Web, Internet and New Media Solutions
How do you know if Trinet is the company to tackle your Internet needs? Take a look at the work we've performed for some of our clients!

Or, contact us for more info!

SonySamaritan's PurseHarvest Crusades
Mad Dogs and EnglishmenBilly Graham Training CenterSAP
© Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc. 1995-2025
   Los Angeles | Orange County | Washington, D.C.
949-442-8900 | 703-548-8900
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