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The Internet changes so fast; how do you keep up?

Trinet Internet Solutions has to keep up with the latest Internet and network technologies

So take a look at some of the questions we've been asked (and we answered!) and feel free to ask us a question about the Internet you think should be answered here.

Find out more about...

Internet Technology Consulting
Webcast Production
Advanced Web Development

Q: Why should I have a website?

A: A website is your window to the world; you can present who you are and what is important to you in a unique way. With Internet Audio/Video Broadcasting and other multimedia capabilities, your site can be the focal point of your connection with other businesses, social communities and special interest target groups. Recent statistics show over 50 million people are connected to the Internet, with a high number of those in the strategic marketing age and financial bracket.

Q: How long does it take to get my web site online?

A: After your domain name is registered, it will take, on average, 4-5 weeks to design a medium-sized site. If you need it faster, we have special fast track options.

Q: How can I find out if the domain name I want has already been registered?

A: You can call us and we'd be happy to check for you.

Have a question you'd like answered? Ask Us!

Internet Technology Consulting

What would it be like to have an on-call answer man available to you each business day? Trinet Internet Solutions has crafted Internet technology retainer plans to fit every business need. We can answer your brief daily questions, be on-site when new technologies are being started, train you and your staff.

Our goal is to solve your Internet technology related needs.
We will:
  • listen to your questions
  • hear what you would like to do
  • evaluate your equipment
  • discuss what your options are
  • provide a quote for the best solution for you
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Webcast Production

Netcasting...webcasting...using the Internet to broadcast a live event really works! That live event can then be encoded and reside on your website.

Take a look/listen to one of the broadcasts we have done. You will need the free plugin Real Player to view/listen to the archived broadcasts.

Trinet Internet Solutions has the experience to:
  • Provide professional Internet Broadcast Engineers

  • Provide all equipment for audio and/or video broadcasting including laptops, Analog/ISDN modem equipment, Video camera, mixing board and network cabling/connections

  • Setup high bandwidth streams on our server (or yours) to stream out the event as it happens

  • Maintain those streams for your exclusive use during the broadcast

  • Encode your event for later listening/viewing

  • Ongoing hosting arrangements to stream your archived event
We are a Webcasting Solutions company. Check our experience.

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Advanced Web Development

There are certain steps you will take to get your site on the web, or move the site you have. Please contact us if you would like more information about any of the steps listed below:

Getting a domain name (or getting one transferred)

Finding a host

Building a web site

Advertising your site

Maintaining your site

STEP 1 DOMAIN NAME This is your address, the location, the url (uniform resource locator) that is used to find your site among the thousands out there. At this time, your domain will either be

* (such as

* (such as

To find out if the domain name you'd like to use is already in use, Contact Us.

Trinet Internet Solutions can set up a domain for you on our server (specialized web hosting computer). We also will file the electronic documents needed to transfer your domain to our server. Contact Us.

STEP 2 HOSTING Once you have a domain name, you will need disk drive space on a server connected to the Internet. Faster connections to and from the server mean your web site can be accessed more quickly. Trinet Internet Solutions' server is connected by three full T3's - equivalent of an OC12.

We have a large capacity server, with very fast connections.

STEP 3 BUILDING A WEB SITE Your web site can be one page to many hundred pages - Trinet Internet Solutions has designed all sizes. The page must have at least the following elements to work successfully for you:

* Quickly communicate your main points: what are you selling? What do you want people to know about you? Both the text and graphical elements should communicate this quickly

* Easy navigation: people should be able to get around your site without getting lost. The organization of the site should be easy to following down the levels of pages and back up again.

* Clean look: blinky, graphically noisy sites may attract your eye, but they will sell the wrong image of you. Less clutter, more space and you'll find people will stay at your site longer

Have other elements you think are important? Have a idea you'd like turned into a flow chart, web site presentation?

STEP 4 ADVERTISING YOUR SITE Your site is ready, but who knows it's there? Trinet Internet Solutions has experience in ways to market your site. Contact Us.

STEP 5 MAINTAINING YOUR SITE The Internet is a dynamic medium - that means your site needs to be dynamic, fresh and keep that "new" look after you've put it online. Trinet Internet Solutions has several maintenance packages available that will update your site with new graphics, new content and an overall current look.

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Trinet Specializes in Assisting Businesses with Web, Internet and New Media Solutions
How do you know if Trinet is the company to tackle your Internet needs? Take a look at the work we've performed for some of our clients!

Or, contact us for more info!

Promise Keepers WebcastsOcean Hills Church WebcastsShannondell at Valley Forge
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