Is your website generating new revenue and saving your company time? Does your website accurately represent your brand and position you effectively? Does it bring in new business for your company and generate repeat business by building customer loyalty? Are people compelled to buy your product or use your services by visiting your website?
If you answered "no" to any of the above, then you're no stranger to the situation that was facing Nutrishop. The Nutrishop brand has been growing rapidly in Southern California for the last several years, but their website wasn't keeping up. Approaching 60 retail stores and counting, it no longer properly represented their brand and did not effectively communicate their unique value proposition to customers.
Earlier this year, Nutrishop decided it was time to take action by reaching out to Trinet to step in and create a fresh new web presence. Armed with statistic-based research and our team of experienced web strategy experts, Trinet has developed a complete web strategy and fresh new designs for the corporate website and individual retail store sites. As the new sites get ready to launch, Nutrishop is ramping up for the anticipated increases in foot traffic to stores driven by Trinet's aggressive web marketing initiatives and strong calls to action.
Would you like Trinet to conduct a Web Performance Analysis of your company's website to identify ways to boost your bottom line?
Call or email us today!