CONTACT: Ron Weber
PHONE: (949)-442-8900
EMAIL: ron.weber@trinetsolutions.com
WEBSITE: www.trinetsolutions.com
Great Commission Media Ministries and Trinet Internet Solutions Awarded Videographer Award of Distinction for Live Webinar Series
IRVINE, Calif., - September 24, 2019 - Great Commission Media Ministries and Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc., were a recipient of an Award of Distinction from the Videographer Awards. About 1,500 entries from the United States and 12 other nations were submitted this year and about 15 percent of submissions were recipients of the award.
The two webinars submitted were "How to Have Powerful Prayer" and "How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You." These two webinars had between 500 and 800 registrants. Dave Ogren, the US Mission Director for Great Commission Media Ministries was interviewed in these webinars. Topics covered in "How to Have Powerful Prayer" included living with peace and joy, persevering through hardships and more. "How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You" covered topics such as discovering healthy relationships that glorify God, being transformed by the forgiveness found in Jesus Christ and more. Through the usage of live webinars, Great Commission Media Ministries and Trinet are impacting this generation to get to know, love and serve Jesus Christ on a better level. These webinars helped Great Commission Media Ministries add many new contacts, as well as securing new partners and donors.

The Videographer awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. Several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and free-lance professionals are a part of this organization. Oversight over rewards and recognition programs are done by the Advisory Board.
"What an incredible blessing to receive this wonderful award to commemorate our digital efforts," said Hannu Haukka, President of Great Commission Media Ministries, "We're so thrilled to raise awareness of our campaigns to spread the Gospel throughout the nations using radical new digital marketing techniques."
"It is an honor and privilege to partner with Great Commission Media Ministries," said John Carley, CEO of Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc., "This truly was a team effort, and we look forward to collaborating on more innovative digital projects in the future."

About Great Commission Media Ministries
Great Commission Media Ministries is an evangelical non-profit media ministry that conducts high-impact Mega City Media Saturation Campaigns in cities around the world with the message that God gives the power to change. These campaigns have been completed in cities in Russia, India, Tanzania, Uzbekistan and more. For more information, please visit https://www.gcmediaministries.org/our-vision/
About Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc.
Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc. is a full service digital firm based in Irvine, CA, that specializes in helping clients grow their organization through Webinar Digital Lead Funnels, Digital Advertising, eFundraising, Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and more. To learn more, please visit www.trinetsolutions.com or call 949.442.8900 today.